Sunday, September 5, 2021

 August 31, 2021

    We have finally left our security wall in Amsterdam, NY.  Our friend and lock master came down to the boat yesterday and let us know that they were going to pull the upper gates on  the movable dam today.  He strongly suggested we move at least beyond lock 12 but further would be better.  We had planned on leaving on Tuesday,  for St. Johnsville Marina just beyond lock 15.  

    We hurriedly left the upper wall at lock 11 with Post Script (a Carver 44’) and headed west toward St.Johnsville.  We called ahead and we’re told that there was room for our two boats if no one else came in.   No reservations are permitted.   Needless to say, we hightailed it to St.Johnsville and got there around 4pm.  There was just enough space for us to pull up to the wall and tie off.  

On the wall in St. Johnsville, NY

Blue Horizon, Post Script, Carolina, and Toucan

    (The photo was taken by Suzanne on M/V Knot Again as they departed.)

    We were greeted by Scott from M/V Knot Again and Barry from Toucan who helped us both tie up.  It wasn’t long before we were making plans for Docktails and BBQs and breakfasts in town.  Seemed like we were all heading west and we’re stuck until they opened the locks from 21- 23 again.  We decided to make the best of our time together.
Breakfast at Bridge Street Diner

In between group gatherings, Bob and I tried to get some bicycling in.  Our first foray was just up through town.  We found the DollarGeneral and bought a few things.  Stopped at the local barber and Bob got a hair cut and I bought some sweet pickles from the barber’s wife.

Bob getting a sweet trim.

     On Thursday, Bob and I decided to take a ride along the canalway up to the next lock.  We suited up in our cycling shorts and helmets and had barely spun our pedals one rotation when Bob’s bike came to a screeching halt..  on closer inspection it looked like his bike had finally given up the ghost.
It Oh!  A burial is in order.

Sure enough, the derailleur had broken off and jammed in the spokes.  There was no fixing this, especially not in St.Johnsville.  The bike is at least 4 years on our boats so it seemed it had done its duty.  A new boat bike was on the horizon for Bob.  But, in the mean time, John, our friend on Post Script, offered us the use of his “clown” bike.   You can’t pass up an offer like that, so off we went to see the old lock and ride some of the canalway up to lock 16.

Old Erie CanalLock 33 - Carolina would be a tight fit.

That evening those of us on the wall in St. Johnsville gathered for a hot dog feast.   We made a community salad with offering from 4 boats, appetizers, watermelon, hot dogs sausages and buns.  It was great fun and everyone enjoyed the beautiful evening.  The next day 4 of our group would be heading off.   We knew that four of the boats on the wall would be leaving for points west.  Carolina and Post Script decided to stay another day and let the canal clear some.   

Luna and Velo

Clare, Rick, Bob,Barry, Scott, Scott(2), Lynn, John, Cheryl and Suzanne

The next morning was a bit sad.  We had to say goodbye to all these new friends we had made.  Melanie promised to update us on the dockage at Little Falls, NY and Suzanne was going to let us know how hard lock 17 was to maneuver through.   Barry and Lynn’s Amazon order  arrived so they were next out and Anna and Scott had left before the crack of dawn.

    John, Cheryl, Bob and I walked into town and visited the Bridge Street Diner for a delicious lunch.  We continued on after lunch toward Larry’s vegetable stand but he was not there.   When we got back to the wall a new boats was coming in.  They were fromPoughkeepsie, NY.   They were “practicing” for the loop and were not having much luck.   The admiral did not like going through.o is and the captain was just generally unhappy.  We had docktails in the common area but they never joined us.

     Friday dawned bright and sunny.  Bob and I loaded the bikes back onto the boat, filled our water tanks and dropped our dock lines.  We, with Post Script, were  off to lock 16 - a 20.5 ft lift and lock 17. - a 40.5 ft lift.
Our bikes plus John’s clown bike.

Lock 16 was easy peasy, just 20 feet.  The lock master asked for our USCG documentation number and passed us through.  Next up was the tallest lock in the Erie Canal- lock17 with a 40.5 ft. Lift.   We had read that if it was windy you could have problems entering the lock.  We also had to switch all our fenders to the port side .  The water filled the lock from the starboard side and it would be impossible to hold the boat to the wall with all the turbulence.   We were out front and made a clean entrance into the lock.   The upper gates spew water all the time so Suzanne had warned us not to get too far forward in the lock.  I had put on my foulie  jacket just in case.
Clare preparing for lock 17

Since we were the lead boat for this leg of the trip, we entered the lock first, we will move up close to the front gate to give Post Script enough room to join us.   There are hanging weighted lines about ever 30 ft. that we grab onto and hold while we are raised.  I take the bow line and Bob grabs a line at the stern.   We have every fender that is on board deployed along the side against the lock wall.

Bob with his stern line.

The lift took about 30minutes from entering lock to exiting the lock.  Each lock has a sign that is visible when you reach the top of the wall that tells you how far to the next lock, what the lift was, what county you’re in, etc.

Waiting to begin the lift.  Note the height of the gates sill…well above our bow!

Up against the wall-which is slimy and not nice to touch 

Water is over the sill….about 6 feet to go

Sign found at each lock

Once out of the lock , we were traveling through a gorge with high walls of limestone rock.  There were climbers trying out there skills on the cliffs as we cruised by.   We arrived at the Little Falls, NY canal Harbor and Rotary Park.  There were no other boats so picking our spot was easy.

Post Script and Carolina tied to the wall in Little Falls

View of the river 

Cheryl and me at the river 

Later in the evening after the locks had closed -so around 5:45- a glut of boats arrived to our wall.  There was one boat from New Bern among them.  A couple from Fairfield harbor.  There were at least 10 boats , counting ours, on the wall.  We had to scrunch up to fit everyone in ….then the Steadfast - a 70-80 ft. - arrived.  We could not move enough to fit that big boy in.  He had to stay around the corner on the wall without power.   
      Cheryl went to work finding a restaurant that would be open and found a wonderful little spot just across the river.  We walked over for our dinner and had a wonderful meal with great company.  We got back around 10pm and the marina was quiet.  
      The next morning everyone was up and gone by 7am (when the locks open).  We slept in.  It was a rainy Sunday and we are not in a hurry to get anywhere.  
Below I’ve added a group of random pictures.  Enjoy!   Come visit if you have time.  We’d love to see our friends.
Cheese Capital, Herkimer Cheese, NY Sharp Cheddar

The little falls of Little Falls

Cute sign

Herkimer County Courthouse

MainStreet Little Falls,NY

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